baby boy crawling on the floor

What to Expect at 10 to 11 months with your baby

overview of what to expect at 10 to 11 months with your baby

Baby is beginning to engage in new activities like never before! Their interests and attention spans are changing as they begin to learn new skills and explore their little world in a different capacity! 

Developmental milestones at 10 to 11 months of age

Your baby is VERY mobile and will start to explore everything they can reach, crawl, or even walk to!

  • Pulling to stand- don’t make a game out of this by helping them down each time they do it in the crib 
  • Crawling- faster! 
  • Early walkers
  • Baby proof everything once baby is on the move-Get our FREE Baby Proofing Checklist HERE!
  • Separation anxiety is present!-More tears with any separation and can be exacerbated with sleep!

sleep at 10 to 11 months of age

Your baby needs an average of 12-16 hours of sleep during a 24 hour period. This is usually divided between overnight sleep and 2 naps a day.

Babies thrive on a 12 hour daily schedule. Babies are naturally early risers between 6-8 AM. Bedtime should fall between 6-8 PM.

A set nap schedule falls into place once your baby is taking two longer naps during the day

Overnight sleep at 10-11 months:

  • 11-12 hours of overnight sleep
  • Majority of babies are sleeping through the night without an overnight feed

Naps at 10-11 months: 

  • Total of 3-3.5 hours of total daytime sleep
  • Some babies may be able to have 4 hours of daytime sleep and maintain 11-12 hours of sleep overnight
  • Wake windows are 2.5-4 hours
  • 2 nap schedule
  • Very clock-based & predictable at this point
  • 60+m each nap to be considered restorative sleep

If your baby is still waking frequently overnight, struggling with naps in the crib, or needs lots of assistance from you to settle then it’s time to work on independent sleep. The Well Rested Course includes a customizable step-by-step plan to help your baby fall asleep independently, wean overnight feeds (both breast and bottle), and sleep 11-12 hours overnight.

feeding at 10-11 months of age

  • Meals offered half-way mark of awake time naturally following breakfast, lunch, dinner schedule
  • Breast Milk or formula is still the primary source of nutrition 
  • Solids are increasing and should be offered 3 times per day
  • May notice a decrease in amount of milk consumed- this is normal
  • Encourage self feeding and table foods for all meals

Common challenges at 10-11 months of age

  • Baby may appear extra clingy as they gain more awareness of loved ones and their surroundings 
  • Separation anxiety is a real thing! Don’t let it deter you from well-established sleep routines and goodnight rituals. Stay consistent!

support and achievable goals

It is never too late to sleep train your baby. These are the following goals we strive to achieve for an 10-11 month old

  • Sleep 11-12 hours through the night
  • No overnight feeds
  • Fall asleep independently at bedtime and naps
  • Follow a clock-based and predictable nap schedule

What resources do you have to help me through this time?

If you’re facing multiple wake ups, short naps, and sleep resistance, I have a class for you. The 4-24 Month Well Rested Collection will walk you step-by-step through a completely customizable sleep training experience. In just a few weeks, your baby will be getting 11-12 hours of independent night sleep, AND you’ll have a plan to navigate any future regressions or bumps in your journey. I’ll also help you set up a daytime routine and nap schedule that fits your family’s lifestyle and values. And you’ll get age-specific guidance to meet your baby right where he or she is developmentally at every stage from now until your baby turns 2.

Want daily personalized support? We have 1:1 sleep coaching programs to help! We work with your family for 2 weeks to help your baby with both overnight sleep and nap challenges. You don’t have to navigate your sleep journey alone with our Ultimate Sleep Plan.

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