baby wake window

Baby Wake Windows

A Wake window is a term commonly used in the sleep world to refer to the amount of time your baby should be awake before they fall asleep again. All babies need to take naps throughout the day! The question is how long should they stay awake in between the naps. The amount of awake time is quite different for a newborn compared to a 1-year-old.

Why are Wake Windows Important?

Understanding optimal wake windows can mean the difference between an overtired baby who sleeps in short spurts and one who is taking restorative naps and progressively sleeping longer stretches. Finding your baby’s optimal wake window means less stress with sleep and a baby that falls asleep easily. I commonly see babies that are staying awake for far too long and then taking short naps! This also leads to overnight and early morning wake-ups.

Both hormones and sleep pressure regulate sleep. As an adult, we wake up for the day and need to stay awake for 12+ hours in order to fall asleep again. (Assuming we have had a restful night of sleep!) If you try to take a nap or go to bed earlier than usual your body may not accept it and you are more likely to toss and turn because your body is not ready for sleep yet.

This pattern is similar for babies, but they can’t stay up for 12 hours! They need to sleep frequently throughout the day to prevent themselves from becoming overtired. This is where the wake windows come in.

If you put your baby down for a nap too soon (short wake window) their body won’t have the opportunity to build enough sleep pressure making it harder to fall asleep. They may protest, cry, and roll around in the crib.

If you put your baby down for a nap too late (long wake window) their body is now overtired and the same thing may happen. Crying, protesting, and rolling around.

Newborn Wake Windows

Newborns are sleepy! They sleep ALOT! And they don’t need much awake time between naps. Max 45-60 minutes.

This is the perfect time to start learning your baby’s sleepy cues. Using a combination of sleepy cues and wake windows can be helpful in the first few months of life as you get to know your baby.

Your newborn’s wake window starts from when they wake up and includes feeding time!

This chart can help you learn your baby’s sleepy cues! Watch the clock like a hawk and aim to put your baby down for nap as soon as you see the “I’m Tired” cues along with the 45-60 minute awake time frame.

My newborn feeding and sleep guide has more details inside!

Babies and Toddlers

Older babies can tolerate more awake time during the day, but they still need a nap(s)! The majority of toddlers still need a nap until age 3. Yay for a midday break!!!

Although older babies can handle more awake time it doesn’t mean we should skip naps.

Naps are important!


☀️Naps enhance learning.

☀️Naps are linked to better emotional regulation.

☀️Naps support better nighttime sleep.

After 4 months, your baby’s wake window starts when you take them out of the crib. YES, even if they were awake before that time. This quiet and dark time in the crib is not as stimulating and is still restful. If you start the wake window from when they woke up you will end up with an early morning nap and struggle with an earlier than usual bedtime and repeating the cycle.

What is my baby’s wake window?

Your baby’s wake windows will change frequently throughout the first year of life. It will range from 30-60 minutes in the newborn period to 3-4 hours by your baby’s first birthday. I recommend reevaluating your baby’s nap schedule each month to see if any adjustments need to be made. Your baby will be transitioning from 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 nap in the first 18 months of life.

If you’re struggling with the 4 month sleep regression, I have a class for you. The 4-24 Month Well Rested Collection will walk you step-by-step through a completely customizable sleep training experience. In just a few weeks, your baby will be getting 11-12 hours of independent night sleep, AND you’ll have a plan to navigate any future regressions or bumps in your journey. I’ll also help you set up a daytime routine and nap schedule that fits your family’s lifestyle and values. And you’ll get age-specific guidance to meet your baby right where he or she is developmentally at every stage from now until your baby turns 2.

I also offer 1:1 personalized sleep coaching to families starting at 4 months of age! I have multiple options that can help you get sleep back on track!

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