Katy Bourzikas

Hi, I’m Katy Bourzikas of Well Rested Wee Ones

Hi, I’m Katy Bourzikas. The owner and face of Well Rested Wee Ones. Today, I’m sharing some real deal details about me and what led to the start of Well Rested Wee Ones!

First off, I’ve worked as a pediatric nurse for 15 years, 6 of which have been as a pediatric nurse practitioner. Despite my strong educational background in pediatrics having my first baby humbled me beyond measure.

I’m an older Mom! After getting married at 28, I started grad school a few months later. My husband and I decided to wait to start a family until I was finished with school. We love to travel and also wanted to enjoy a few years of married life before adding to our family. My first son, Bennett, was born when I was 33.

Bennett was an extreme reflux baby spitting up ALL THE TIME and didn’t sleep more than 2 to 3-hour stretches until he was four months. I experienced postpartum anxiety due to the lack of sleep and was desperate to find a way to get more sleep for both of us! As a healthcare provider who’s maternity leave was coming to an end, I was worried about my lack of sleep and needing to make medical recommendations and decisions for families. I was one of the last of my Mom tribe to have kids so I had many recommendations which can be quite overwhelming! Luckily, someone recommended I try the Magic merlin suit. This thing really is magic! The first night Bennett slept 8 hours. Shortly thereafter, we implemented some sleep training methods and we quickly had a 12-hour sleeper. I felt like a new woman and Mom.

Brock was born 21 months later and was a dream baby. Shortly after he was born, my father-in-law’s health declined after being diagnosed with cancer. This was a very stressful time for my husband and I trying to be dual caregivers to our own parents and a newborn and toddler. My husband frequently visited St. Louis to help his Mom and Dad through the cancer treatment. On top of that, Brock was diagnosed with nystagmus at four months with an undetermined future of his vision. More postpartum anxiety and depression set in. I was feeling overwhelmed and my full-time job that did not provide any flexibility was becoming overwhelming. I loved working with pediatrics, but also knew I needed something that could provide more flexibility. 

I stumbled across a consulting position as I was pumping on my lunch break with Hatch baby as an expert adviser to new parents provide feeding, sleep, and general pediatric advice. I joined the team and absolutely loved what I was doing with the bonus of having more flexibility to be at home. After a year and a half, I decided to take things in my own direction and went through a pediatric sleep certification and breastfeeding counselor certification.

I started Well Rested Wee Ones in the Fall of 2019 knowing I had the education, passion, and drive to help other families. This business is like my third baby. I have nurtured this business from the beginning and tend to it every day. Just like motherhood I celebrate its successes and cry and worry when things don’t go as I hoped for.

Sleep is my passion and I have been very fortunate to work with hundreds of families coast to coast and internationally. I have connected with some amazing professionals both locally and virtually. I treat every family as my own and have many I would call my friend if we lived nearby. 

Sleep is crucial to our health and well being and I’m here to help you! If you read my story and it resonates with you, please share with another mama!

I start working with families on independent sleep skills and sleep coaching at 4 months of age! I have multiple options that can help you get sleep back on track! Set up a consultation to work 1:1 with me!

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