baby breastfeeding cluster feeding

Is Cluster Feeding Normal?

YES!! Cluster Feeding is Normal!!

Cluster feeding is NORMAL newborn behavior!! Cluster feeding is when feeds are back to back to back. It can feel neverending and quite exhausting.

It has nothing to do with your milk supply or how the rest of your day went with your baby!

Newborns need to eat frequently! They are growing at the most rapid pace of their entire LIFE!! Newborns will eat anywhere from 8-12 times per 24 hours. Space this out throughout the day and this may be every 1-2 hours in the evening.

When does cluster feeding end??

Cluster feeding is most common in the first 3 months, during growth spurts, and in the evening hours.

Newborns tend to get overstimulated very easily due to their immature nervous systems. This can lead to fussy behavior in the evening hours and feeding can briefly calm them. This fades out around 3-4 months.

Cluster feeds can be spaced out 20 minutes to 2 hours apart. It may seem like you’ve turned into an all you can at buffet during these hours…

Some babies are fussy during cluster feeding and will pull off the breast frequently. This doesn’t mean you’re not making enough milk! These feeds actually boost your milk supply! If your baby is going through a growth spurt the frequent feeds will give your body the signal to increase milk supply to meet the growing demands of your baby!

How long does cluster feeding last?

Cluster feeding typically lasts 2-3 days at a time. If the pattern is lasting longer you want to ensure your baby is receiving adequate calories throughout the day and having plenty of wet and dirty diapers. Most pediatrician offices are always happy to do a weight check.

Does cluster feeding happen with bottle or formula feeding?

Yep! It sure can. If you’re formula-feeding or exclusively pumping you may still notice periods of time when your baby may want to eat every 1-2 hours instead of every 3-4 hours. With bottle-feeding, it can be easier to tell if your baby is sucking for food versus comfort. Bottle feeding also allows you to tell exactly how much your baby drank in a bottle in comparison to a breastfed baby so parents may give an extra ounce per bottle vs smaller more frequent feeds.

Pro tips for cluster feeding

  • Set up a station with snacks, phone charger, magazine/book, tv remote, and get cozy
  • Listen to a podcast or join a virtual Mom’s group
  • Ask for help with other chores during these hours
  • Put baby skin to skin between feeds to comfort them

Cluster feeding for better sleep

The long-term goal is for your baby to eventually take all their calories in during the day so they don’t wake out of hunger overnight. Newborns are still expected to wake and feed overnight, but as your baby gets past the 3-4 month mark, you can cluster feed at the end of the day to help fill your baby’s tummy before bed. If you are on an every 3-hour feeding routine during the day, you can offer feeds every 2 hours. You can offer two feeds closer together at the end of the day to fill the tank!

Newborn sleep help

If you’re a new or expecting parent download my newborn feeding and sleep guide to help you establish a healthy sleep and feeding foundation. I also offer personalized sleep coaching plans from 4 months to 4 years.

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