toddler sugar high

Is Your Toddler Bouncing off the Walls and Fighting Sleep after Too Many Sugary Treats?

Are your toddler’s behavior and sleep affected by too many sugary treats around the holidays? Are they bouncing off the walls after Breakfast with Santa or a holiday party with lots of sugary treats??

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good Christmas cookie and definitely let my Wee Ones have some treats around the holidays, but indulging too much can definitely impact sleep and behavior!

Refined Sugary treats can cause a spike in blood sugar and cortisol levels which can make it difficult to fall and stay asleep. It also comes along with the dreaded sugar crash where your toddler becomes an emotional rollercoaster!

Caffeine is also something to take into consideration as it is found in many treats and can keep your Wee One wired and anxious. Think hot chocolate and chocolate treats! And lastly, food dyes! Those candy canes get their red color from dye which has been found to cause hyperactivity and insomnia. An interesting fact here…! The European Union requires foods with food dyes to come with a warning label and has banned many of the dyes still used in the US

Many people come in contact with food dyes without even realizing it in toothpastes, crackers, pickles, yogurt, potato chips, pastas and other foods that would not be obvious sources of dyes.

If you are going to a holiday event, offer your toddler a high protein snack or meal beforehand which will help to stabilize blood sugar throughout the day. Ideas include scrambled eggs, string cheese, hummus/veggies, or a banana with peanut butter,

This is just education! I’m all for indulging in a holiday treat and would rather my children have a healthy relationship with food rather than go crazy when they see a doughnut if it’s “forbidden.”

Do what’s best for your family and enjoy all the holiday festivities but also be mindful of what’s on the table! I don’t preach what you should or shouldn’t feed your kiddo! We all have choices and one candy cane or doughnut isn’t going to put your little one in a sleepless state! #fedisbest

If your baby or toddler is facing sleep problems outside of the occasional sugary treat, I’m here to help with personal and customized sleep plans to have you feeling Well Rested!

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