happy toddler sleep and development

Toddler Sleep and Development

You survived the first year of parenthood and are moving into the toddler phase. Toddlerhood is such a fun dynamic time in both sleep and development. Toddlers=Testing boundaries and climbing on things ??

Feedings and Nutrition

?Weight gain slows down in the second year of life. By the time your baby turns 1, they will have likely tripled their birth weight. Then between ages 1-3, the average weight gain is to gain 4-6 pounds per year! Your toddler will be eating all table foods and begin to use utensils. It’s important to offer a variety of foods. You may notice an increase in “picky” eating even if you had an adventurous eater in the first year. It can take 15-20 exposures to a new food to accept it, so continue to offer them! This is also a common time, where parents start to panic because their toddler will only eat certain foods and they turn into a short-order cook just to get anything in them. I fell into this boat the first time around, but quickly got tired of fixing extra things at dinner, and decided that I will only cook one meal and always have at least one item I know my Wee Ones will eat. It’s their choice to eat it and my choice of what to serve and offer! If you have a milk lover, try to offer foods before milk and limit consumption to no more than 16 ounces/day as it can become a meal replacement. It’s also time to wean away from the bottle, with the bedtime bottle being the toughest!


Your baby is learning to walk, climb, and may even be running away from you! ?Toddlers need LOTS of free time play to expend energy. Your toddler is exploring their world in a new way and does not understand safety precautions. Baby proof everything!! Tantrums start to emerge around 15-18 months of age, along with another round of separation anxiety…queue crying anytime you leave them.


Toddlers understand much more than they can say, which can lead to frustration and more tantrums! Encourage mimicking. Point out and describe everything you are doing and seeing. Do your best to provide them with choices to make them feel empowered ?The average 1-year old says 3-5 words and the average 2-year old says 50-200 words! That’s a huge jump!


Your toddler still needs to nap during the day. Most toddlers are ready to transition to one nap between 13-15 months of age. If your toddler attends daycare, they may transition right at 12 months. If this is the case and your toddler is becoming overtired, err on an earlier bedtime…6 pm is ok!


New skills can affect sleep with the possibility of a 12 month, 18 month, and 24 month sleep regression. Learning to walk, talk, and separation anxiety all play a role in this. Your toddler needs 11-14 hours of sleep per 24 hours. Your toddler also still needs to sleep in a crib even if a new baby is on the way! Transitioning to a bed too early is the #1 cause of new-onset sleep problems in toddlers! Keep a consistent bedtime routine lasting 20-30 minutes and always practice putting your toddler in the crib awake to allow them to fall asleep on their own. It is not normal for your toddler to wake overnight, but it is normal to hear random cries or noises during sleep transitions. If your toddler is not sleeping through the night, it’s time to look at the daytime schedule, how they fall asleep, nutrition, and any other milestones that could be impacting sleep. If you need help with a sleep plan for your toddler, contact me to set to learn more about my options.

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